Thursday, February 19, 2009

What is life...?

What is life - beauty
Spread all over in full amount,
Where both nature and nurture count,
In all its rainbow colours,
And full of fragrant flowers,
Grasp it in its real sense,
As it is plenty and immense.

What is life - a song
Sing it away, dance it away,
Make merry in nature and never get sway,
By the pomp and show of today,
But make it melodious and pray.

What is life - a promise
Fulfill it in every possible way,
With no regrets, and don't betray,
As it gives us more and more,
Try to make it complete and secure.

What is life - a trasure
Which is full of joy and pleasure,
Where all the sweet memories lie,
Where all the experiences tie,
Which will never come to an end,
As it is very much abundant.

What is life - a journey
Enjoy it with pain and pleasure,
Complete it inspite of pressure,
Which man has to face in all ways,
As there is no time to stand and gaze,
Although several ups and downs,
But victory is finally crowned.

What is life - a goal
Achieve it in a good manner,
By hard work and patience,
There will always be gain.

What is life - a struggle
That persists from start to end,
There are many curves and bends,
Many more worries and woes,
So many friends and foes,
But there is a ong way to go,
So why moan and groan,
Better do all on your own.

What is life - a gift
Given by God's grace to man,
Where love, peace and humanity,
Bind the entire mankind,
So, don't let it go futile,
Live to the maximum and smile.

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