Every early morning, the stars begin fading
And the sun moves up in the sky shining.
The rays of sunlight break the darkness
And turns night into a day full of brightness.
The birds begin chirping al around,
Their sweet music pacifies a mind so bound.
The cock on the roof shouts cock-a-doodle-doo,
The mullah in the mosque does the same too.
The whole world gets into the daily routine,
Man to office, lady to kitchen, children to school.
Old ones go for a stroll, babies remain in cots.
The fresh air of the garden, the health atmosphere,
Makes it a place that is so dear.
The blooming flowers, the running traffic,
The busy life with worries and panic.
The dawn gives us a message of light,
As it breaks a long and dark night,
For man to stop worrying about sorrow,
Get to work and wait for another morrow.